O’Connor Warren Insurance Brokers are hosting a presentation outlining changes to your home insurance policy.  It will be on Wednesday 10th July, the presentation being from  7-8pm and the bar opening from 6.30pm.  It will be held at Greerton Marist Sports & Recreation Club, Oropi Rd, Tauranga.  To RSVP contact [email protected] or phone (07) 5786072 / 0800 264626 by 5th July.

Please join us at the end of the presentation to mix and mingle with the O’Connor Warren team and other guests.  Finger food will be available and the bar open.

As part of our commitment to you, we have decided to host an information evening that will help our clients better understand the way in which you will be asked to insure your home from 1 July 2013.

Previously a home could be insured based on its size i.e. replacement to the square metre area. This meant that if you needed to make a claim in line with your policy terms, you would be paid the cost of repairing or replacing your home up to the maximum square metre size you had declared on your policy.

Replacement home insurance will now be based on a ‘sum insured’. The ‘sum insured’ is an amount you specify and is the maximum amount that could be paid in respect of damage or loss to your home. This means if you make a claim, in line with your policy terms, you will be paid the cost of repairing or replacing your home up to the sum insured of your policy. To ensure that your sum insured is adequate for the repair or replacement of your home, you need to determine the cost of completely rebuilding your home.

We have invited key partners Vero Insurance and Hills Haden registered valuers and property consultants to join us as guest speakers.

We hope you can join us. This event will also provide you an opportunity to meet the new members of the O’Connor Warren team. It is important that you RSVP before the 5 July. We look forward to seeing you on the night.

The Team at – O’Connor Warren Insurance Brokers